Thursday, August 26, 2010

winding down

This week has been draining for some reason. I've been soo tired every day! Work has been really busy. I've been forcing myself to go to the gym to get ready for Jamaica and I'm seeing NO results. I think I've hit a plateau. Sighhh. I'm so ready for a vacation.

I think someone else has been getting ready for Jamaica, too ;)

The last few weekends have been go, go, go for us. We had a wedding, a couple of parties at our friends' houses, taking care of the yard, etc.  

I'm excited to relax this weekend - we honestly have nothing planned and I LOVE that! I plan on sleeping late and cooking a big breakfast Saturday morning. We never have time to eat breakfast because we are always so rushed in the morning. I have to be at work at 8, so I'm up at 6:45am; getting up that early gives me just enough time to get ready and get out the door. I just can't wake up any earlier than that because we normally don't go to bed until around 10:30ish and I have to get at least 8 hours of sleep. I know that probably bored you to death, haha!

We drove through Lexington, MS recently and I honestly felt like I was in Alice in Wonderland. The trees, the hills, everything was so beautiful. It was in the country and we both were in awe at the amazing greenery surrounding the little two lane road. I think we may go back this weekend and take some pictures. No tv, no internet, no radio. Windows down, sunroof back, and A/C off. Sometimes all I want is to just take in the moment and enjoy all of God's wonders. Oddly enough, Lexington is one of those wonders that I just can't get enough of.

Lately, I've been more appreciative of my loving, supportive husband than ever. He really is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him. I love him so much. Everything isn't always perfect, and we definitely have our arguments, but I honestly love him more every single day.

I know this post is totally random. My mind keeps jumping from one thing to another. Time to shut down the laptop and rest. :)

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